Tabular sweater

Last spring I knitted the tabular sweater published in Pompom quarterly issue 23. It was the third projects I have made from this issue after the Fluorite socks and the ephemeris wrap.

I was buying way to much knitting magazines but not making much, so I decided to stop and bought myself a subscription to Pompom quarterly instead. So far I have knitted at least one thing from each issue.

I have kept the original main colour from the pattern : it is a beautiful blue-grey called “sky” and I have changed the colours of the breast plate to colours I though would suits me better.

The pattern is well explained and very interesting to knit, the breath plate having different textures. The one criticism, I have is that I am quite tall and it is not well explain where to had some length for the back piece.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Ausra says:

    Très joli et original…


  2. thali creations says:

    Oh il y a bien longtemps que je ne suis pas passée ici … il est super original ton pull. Joli effet géométrique avec des points basiques mais le choix des couleurs le met en relief. Joli travail.
    Très belle année 2019 Marion, au plaisir de te retrouver.


    1. Marion says:

      Bonjour Thali, oui il y avait bien longtemps que je n’avais pas mis à jour mon blog et je prends enfin le temps de le faire 🙂 très bonne année à toi aussi !


  3. naelany says:

    love it. And another pattern added to my wishlist lol

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pallavi says:

    It looks awesome! Wonderful job!

    Liked by 1 person

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